
Hi there! I'm Kirby!

Welcome to my blog! This is a daily dose of fashionable things from my personal style and good eats to beauty products and things to do!

Active in Aventura.

Active in Aventura.

Happy Monday ya'll! Hope everyone was graced with a lovely weekend! I spent mine hanging out with the in-laws and hiking with Andrew and Divot; I wore this comfy, athleisure look from Aventura on repeat. Aventura is a sustainable clothing brand based in the Sierra Nevadas that uses the most comfortable of fabrics for apparel that caters to an active lifestyle. The past few weeks I've been trying to better myself by working on ways to live a healthier lifestyle. No major diets or exercise routines, I enjoy staying active with outdoor activities but cardio in a gym and weights are not my thing, so a lot of my focus has been on what I'm putting into my body. I love junk food, and Andrew and I are terrible at enabling each other to eat garbage because we both enjoy sweet treats, snacks and fast food, I'm not going to lie, I regularly eat McDonald's. So I've been focusing on cutting out a lot of the bad stuff like fast food, french fries, and cookies and putting more nourishing things into my body. A big thing was swapping out my everyday snacks and things I was packing in my lunch for healthier options such as carrots instead of barbecue chips. I drink a detox tea by Yogi every night, it's decaffeinated and tastes like a mild chai so it's very relaxing. And whenever I'm craving soda or something sugary to drink I make myself some warm water with lemon and honey to combat the craving. We do eat a lot of vegetables for dinner every night but to make sure I'm getting plenty of greens yesterday I started taking the 8G super greens vitamins just to be sure. Of course we all know we should be taking care of our bodies but the big thing for me was definitely wanting to clear up my skin once and for all. I've tried so many topical treatments for acne and have come to the realization that my acne is starting from the inside and I need to pay better attention to what's going into my body. Would love to hear any great tips or snack ideas you guys love for healthy options, still taking it one day at a time!

Aventura Tempo Hoodie, Aventura Stratus Leggings, Nike Running Shoes, S'well Bottle

How a Cleansing Balm is Changing My Skincare Routine.

How a Cleansing Balm is Changing My Skincare Routine.

The Moto Jacket Take Three.

The Moto Jacket Take Three.